An exhibition where the public is the protagonist
In the sample involved 200 artists explain their techniques work for people.
By: Natalia Gelos
By: Natalia Gelos
The princess vampira slips to the public. Shouts a plea: San asks Death to return to his love, or remove your mouth with your life. With their mourning dress and a hat with feathers and rattles, the synthesis of the work of Gloria Polo won all eyes at the opening of Expo 2008 Artists. "Came the voice from inside," says Polo with his work.
Gloria Polo is one of the 200 artists exhibiting their works until 9 December at the Centro Cultural Borges Viamonte-located at 525 - at Expo Artistas 2008. This international fair is on its fourth edition and has all the flags of Borges. Organized by the gallery "5Artes.com" The essence of this event is to open direct contact between artists and those who want to buy, or just contemplating his work.
Sara Diciero, which participates in the organization and also outlines its work, that the prices of works ranges from 200 pesos to more than 5,000 pesos. The valuation is by the author. Diciero says: "They are recommended, if possible, to make a discount, because the sale is direct, the artist to the public." There are different styles and disciplines which make up this kind of giant collage in which everyone can meet.
Some of the artists are exhibiting this time Carlos Cañas, Costanzo Salvador, Hugo Dinzelbacher Julia Farjat, Roberto Firpo, Raul Ponce, Griselda Ferreyra, Zulema Petruschansky Mario Restaino, Mercedes Valsecchi and Leo Vinci. Here exhibited artists Ecuador, Chile, Israel and Portugal. Uruguay is represented, among others, by Gonzalo Ferrer, who noted that in Montevideo fairs are not like this. The ability to interact with the public what attracts "is good because one has the chance to talk to people. When somebody buy you a pa inting in a gallery, do not really know who you buy it. People asked me what inspired me, why use certain colors and what are the techniques. " Eduardo Cauvet, another of the invited artists and presents a series inspired by themes of The Beatles.
From outside of Buenos Aires, some artists are from Mendoza, Río Negro, Tucumán and Neuquén. Among Mendoza, Dora Composto de Dawbarn tells the public that their work-inspired vision of the microscope stones and minerals, are made with mixed techniques. "People think it's because I made a painting, but landscapes bag under a microscope. Step weeks with tweezers turning up to an image that shocked me," she says.
In 2007 the fair sold more than one hundred works. This year, despite the economic crisis, Edgardo Marchesi, director of Expo Artists said optimistically that "the exhibition is launched and will have the same result, I am more concerned about 2009." Sara Diciero noted that 5000 was nominated artists to exhibit in this edition and was selected over 200, curated by July Sapollnik, who searched the selected works with features and style.